Event Experience Manager

Event Experience Manager

Name Event Experience Manager
Designation Curator of Fun & Engagement
Email Address info@abujaibelievecarnival.com
Phone (+234) 91-3333-8808
Website https://abujaibelievecarnival.com
Social Media

We're shaking things up today! Instead of a keynote speaker, we've packed the schedule with interactive events, exciting activities, and opportunities to connect with fellow attendees. Get ready for a fun-filled day of:

- Thrilling performances

- Engaging workshops

- Networking sessions

- And more!

Food Festival & Bikes (November 8)

Thursday, September 14th, 2023, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Session: Elevate & Thrive: Business Leadership Summit

Join industry leaders and innovators for a day of inspiration, insight, and connection at our Business Leadership Summit.